Email can be a great boom or a terrible waste of time. As a communications tool, it is both incredibly efficient and dangerously quick.
Consider posting some rules for email behavior in your company. Among the best are:
1. State your emotional state.
If you are communicating while angry, depressed or jovial - say so. Don't leave the recipient guessing when interpreting your remarks.
2. Sleep on it.
If an email angers you, don't answer it right away. Email sent in a huff frequently sounds too harsh and fails to make its point well.
3. Remember high school English class: Email is business correspondence.
While there was a brief period when email was an informal and open format medium, it is now expected to conform to normal standards for professional correspondence. That includes:
* Spell-checking
* Normal capitalization and punctuation (never ALL CAPS)
* Appropriate sentence structure (don't connect everything...with dots!)
* Limit creative and phonetic spellings
4. Email is information, not influence.
Use your email for the distribution of facts. If you want to discuss someone's actions or behavior, pick up the telephone. (Hint: Learn to regard the word "should" as a red flag.)
5. Limit distribution.
It is easy to send to a whole address group when only three people need to see something or to cc: other departments who "might be involved down the road." Too broad distribution wastes time and creates confusion.
6. Don't do or say anything that you wouldn't in person.
Remember: criticize in private, praise in public. Only hit "reply all" if you are going to praise and support the sender.
7. Think "narrow pipe."
You may be receiving your email via a high-speed connection, but others are at home or on the road using slow analog lines. Consider them when sending that humorous video clip or those terrific baby pictures. Bringing someone's email to a shuddering halt doesn't win any friends.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Top 7 Ways To Use Email Effectively
Top 7 Ways To Build Your Online Empire
Starting an online business is a great hedge against inflation and a poor economy. Working from home, or from wherever you happen to be, can be beneficial to your family as well as your bank account.
It took me a full year to figure out how to do this, but now I am on my way. You can do the exact same thing to create a business that will build over time.
1. Choose a niche that you are interested in, have some experience with, and one that has people who are willing to purchase information on and you will be in business.
People search on Google and the other search engines for ways to solve their problems, so think of yourself as a problem solver. Provide information that they can use right away.
2. Start a blog on this topic and post to it regularly.
I posted every day to my blog for the first two months or so and that made me very visible in a short amount of time. Use your keywords in the title of your posts and tell people how to begin solving their problem.
3. Write articles based on these blog posts.
This is called repurposing and can be used to save time and get your information out to a wider audience. When you give solid information in your articles, readers are more likely to visit your blog afterwards. Make sure you have a way for them to leave their name and email address so they will be added to your list.
4. Hold a weekly teleseminar on the same topic you have been writing articles about and posting to your blog.
When people hear you discussing the topic they become more involved with what you are doing. This engages them and makes them more likely to want to purchase more information from you.
5. Start a show on internet radio.
This is free, and one of most underutilized methods I know of. Your internet radio show can include the same information that you give during your teleseminars, but will potentially reach a much wider audience.
6. Become active in the social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook.
These sites give you instant access to hundreds of thousands of people from around the world. Some of them will be interested in your exact topic, so invite them to read your articles, comment on your blog, and attend your teleseminars and radio shows.
7. Stay focused, and never give up.
So many people become discouraged when they don't make money within a few months. Instead, just keep writing and speaking on your topic and soon you will have a loyal audience of people that will follow what you are telling them about how to solve their problem.
And now I invite you to download a Special Report and audio recording on how you can build your own online empire by visiting to get started right away.
Connie Ragen Green has been helping others to achieve their online business goals since 2007.
Top 7 Reasons to Switch to FireFox
There are many reasons to love FireFox. But a big benefit is the ability to install little applications that perform specific tasks. In the FireFox world these are called “extensions”. If you’re like me you’ll find extension are sorta like potato chips – you just can’t have just one. So let me share my 7 favorites:
1. Favorite Extension #1: Auto copy
Auto copy is a killer keystroke saver. You’ll never Ctrl-C again. Simply highlight the desired text on the web page with your mouse and it’s instantly copied to the clipboard. Jump over to whatever application you want to paste that text into, paste it and you’re done.
2. Favorite Extension #2: ScrapBook
How many times have you book marked a site only to return and find it changed? Or worse it’s vanished? That makes the ScrapBook extension the web researcher’s indispensable friend. It lets you take a snapshot of any page. Or you can grab just a chunk it. ScrapeBook keeps such snapshots organized and even lets you add comments if you like.
3. Favorite Extension #3: TinyURL Creator
How often do you want to sent a friend a URL only to discover it’s a mile long? Like this one for instance:
Wouldn’t it be easier to send something like this:
Good news. There’s a handy extension that will cut any unwieldy URL it down to size using TinyURL. Even better it will also inventory those you’ve created in case you want to use any of them again.
4. Favorite Extension #4: Popup Blocking
Okay so this one's not really an extension. It's more of a built in feature that lets you stop pop ups dead in their tracks. I mean there’s nothing like seeing this message “Firefox prevented this site from opening a pop up window” to give you a warm glow inside.
5. Favorite Extension #5: Google Pagerank
Want to know the Google PageRank of a page? Sadly the Google Toolbar only runs in Internet Explorer. But never fear. If you like to eyeball PR, say to check out potential link partners, the Google Pagerank Status extension displays pagerank. In numeric form so you can tell at a glance the PR of a given page.
6. Favorite Extension #6 LoremIpsum Content Generator
Whenever you need some quick content to check a web page layout this is your tool. You can tell it to create so many characters, words or paragraphs. Giving you a variety of “Latin-like” content in the blink of an eye.
7. Favorite Extension #7: Copy URL
Instead of copying a snippet from a page and then going back and grabbing the URL you can do it all at once with Copy URL.
All of these tiny apps can be downloaded here:
John Gergye is author of “Street Smart Linking”. To learn more about this 131 page, step by step guide to link building visit Or test your search engine IQ by taking his seo quiz and get the free special report "Coming Out On Top".
Top 7 Ideas For Email Advertising Success
1. Always personalize.. It's much better to receive an email addressed specifically to you than "Dear Friend" or "Dear Customer".
2. Identify the relationship that you have with the recipient early on. If you are sending to say.. your customer list, it's important to answer the recipients first question "How did they get my name?". A good example would be "Hi Chris, Recently you downloaded a free copy of our new demo..." This knocks down that invisible barrier and answers the question right away.
3. You must make sure that the recipient will benefit from what you are sending them or you will receive complaints. Be 'benefit' oriented.
4. Include a way to remove the recipient from your list and honor it. Include your full contact information in every promotion. If possible, have this removal/signup process available on a web site form that gives them confirmation that they were removed.
5. Test, Test, Test. When working on a new email campaign, test different offers to find the one that generates the most interest. Have each version respond to a separate email address or web site so you can gauge the response and identify the copy that pulls.
6. No dead ends. Make sure and give the recipient a way to find out more about the topic of your email or actually place an order quickly. Every step you place between your desired end result and the prospect/customer slows down the process and causes them to lose interest. For example, don't tell them about your latest and greatest widget, then send them to your website home page where they have to look for a link to the product. Send them directly to the order or product information page.
7. Check for duplicate addresses. No one likes getting multiple copies of the same email.
B e y o n d
Internet Media Design and Marketing
Top 7 Ways To Improve Your Business Using Online Surveys And Quizzes
Surveys are often used online to measure customer satisfaction on websites, however there are many other creative ways that you can use a survey or quiz to improve various aspects of your business.
1. Improve your website.
You can improve your website by creating a short survey and put it on your website. Ask your visitors why they are visiting your website, if they succeeded in doing what they came for and if they have any suggestions. Using the feedback you get you can improve your website to turn more of your visitors into customers.
2. Stay in touch with your customers.
After completing a sale, send a follow up by email a few weeks later. Ask your customers how they feel about having done business with you. This will not only provide you with valuable answers but also provide you with an opportunity to remind your customers about your business, and show them that you care about their opinion.
3. Help customers select products with a product chooser.
If you offer a variety of products and services you can help your customers feeling confident about choosing the product or service that matches their needs. The customer has to answer a number of questions and will be guided towards different outcomes depending on the answers that he or she selects.
4. Do product research.
Before launching a new product or service you can find out how to design, market and price it by doing a survey first. This will give you a good impression of what people think about your idea and how you should market it.
5. Improve your presentation and sales skills.
After giving a presentation or a pitch invite your audience to evaluate it using an anonymous survey. This will give you valuable feedback from you audience that people might not dare to say to in person, and also shows that you care about their experience and want to improve yourself.
6. Create a fun quiz about your business.
Engage your customers in a playful way by creating a quiz about your business. It's a fun way to educate people with facts about your business and products. Because people have to think about it the information that you provide sticks with them for a long time!
7. Employee recruitment survey.
Use a survey to find possible candidates for job openings. A survey will allow you to ask questions about their skills and experience, contact information and test the knowledge of candidates before inviting them to an interview.
Create free and professional grade surveys and quizzes at with much more information about how they can help improve your business.
Top 7 Deadly Sins Of The Home Based Business Owner
Why do 95 - 98% of all home based Business fail within the first 3 months? What are the most common mistakes made by rookies? A home based business is just that, a BUSINESS. It is not a hobby or a get rich quick think or I'll try it and see how it works out thing. It must be treated with all due respect of any business. Here are seven deadly sins of the beginner.
1. No business plan.
So many people, especially those who sign up motivated by hype, do not even think about how they will run their new business. Your plan will need to Include several key elements. How will you advertising and how much should you spend on advertising. How will you attract prospects? Will you uses out sourcing? How much time will you have to devote to your business. What are your resources? If you fail to plan you plan to fail.
2. Fail to implement the Plan.
If you can not follow instructions from others who are having success you will waste a lot of time and money taking half measures. Take your business plan and the steps you are provide and “GETER DONE”. Most people don’t implement because of fear of the unknown. It is ok, push into that place wear you are uncomfortable until it feels ok. Then do it again and again and again. You must implement your websites, advertising, auto responders and all the tools you need to attract prospects. You must communicate with them and build relationships. Your business will not run itself. If someone tries to convince you that their system will work on it’s own they are in never never land.
3. Hesitating to advertise.
Waiting until you think all your mediums are just the way you want them. Your website just right or your videos just the way you want them. Everything is a work in progress. As you work with your team you will be given tips and hints on how to start. Place your ads develop you websites and videos and go for it. This is the only way you will find out what works for you and what dose not. But if you wait, I can guarantee you what will happen (NOTHING). As you begin to learn what is not working you tweak and tweak some more until it begins to work.
4. Hesitating because of a lack of knowledge and success.
Well if we all took this attitude no one would be successful. First no one that is starting a new business, job or any venture is completely up to speed on all aspects of their task. That is why the team support is so important. You will have access to multiple resources that will give you all the information you need. If you wait to implement anything until you can show some success you have already failed, you are putting the cart before the horse. If you do change your plan later when you are successful and decide to show off the; nice car, vacation home, jewelry, then what are your prospect going to think they have to do? You are placing them in an awkward spot of trying to duplicate something they don’t have yet. So go forward with what you have, use the team for support, and grow your business by helping others and you will succeed.
5. Not being dedicated to your Business.
If you think “I’ll try it out and see if it works”, don’t even sign up. This way of thinking has already doomed you to failure. You must be dedicated to your business 110 %. “In for the long haul”, as they say. You must make up your mind that you are going to give it your all for as long as it takes to succeed. You must be dedicated to self development, further education, seminars, reading and study. As a Real Estate agent I was required to attend classes every year. You must continue to grow and change with the times or you will fall behind and your success will suffer. To obtain the correct mindset you need to read books like; The Go Giver, The world greatest network marketer, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind. You will need to stay tight with your team and attend; training calls, summits and conferences. A home business is a serious venture not something to try and see.
6. Quit because of frustration.
This can occur as a result of all of the above. If you do not take this opportunity serious it won’t take long before you are frustrated and ready to give up. We call these the 98 percenters. They start off very excited. They get ready to start their business with a lot of busy work. They order leads and talk to friends and family, Who make fun of them, and no one is interested. After two or three weeks they have no sales and decide they have been scammed. They are looking for someone to blame for their failure. Lets be realistic, owning and running a business is going to take some effort. You will need to learn about internet marketing technology, communications, advertising and many more skill sets. To become effective and efficient you will have a learning curve. These are things you must do on your own, but with assistance. If you are not willing to work at obtaining the skills and mind set necessary you will fail.
7. Neglect personal development.
I have saved the most important for last. Many business owners fail because of this mistake. Success has it’s foundation in your mind. You must transform your thinking to produce new habits and behaviors that in turn will achieve wealth and prosperity in your life. Taking time to read and meditate 30 – 60 minutes a day is essential to this process. I recommend starting with a gratitude list, write down everything you are grateful for and each day add something from that day to your list. To enhance a relationship make a gratitude list about the person you wish to get closer to and watch things change between you. Next create a goals list, not a to do list, but a list of things you wish to achieve and obtain. After this make a dream board. Take your goals list and create a collogue with pictures of your dreams, and place it were you can see it everyday. Last, be sure to RAED inspirational and developmental books. The best way to learn is from others who have had success.
If you are interested in learning how I am creating a six figure income using Home based Businesses please give me a call. I use three separate opportunities to generate a constant flow of income. A luxury Vacation membership,
Top 7 Strategies to Get Your Property "SOLD" in a Slow Market
With the economy not flourishing and newspapers negatively guiding the Real Estate market, it is crucial for sellers to get help from the best agent while learning simple tactics to increase the chances of selling their home. In a slower market, enthusiastic buyers are few and far between. It is in the seller’s best interest to be prepared and informed of potential buyers needs and expectations.
Below are simple strategies and techniques that can benefit sellers and get their properties “sold” in this slow Real Estate market.
1. Pricing to Sell:
With market conditions being a catalyst in the establishment of property value, realistically pricing your property is vital to selling your home. As the market becomes slow and idle, buyers gain the advantage and are inclined to hesitate at looking at overpriced properties. When a property is first listed on the market, it attracts the most attention, enthusiasm and curiosity, but overpricing it at the initial listing might deter numerous potential buyers resulting in reluctant views and the property just “sitting” on the market.
2. Incentives:
With a highly competitive market, enticements of all sorts are being used to persuade buyers, like you see home builders do. Follow their example and present an attractive offer with an appealing incentive to the buyer. A few noteworthy examples could be, “$5000 Design Credit at Closing,” or “We’ll make your first two mortgage payments.”
3. Seller Financing:
As the seller and home owner, considerable amounts of equity can be built up over several years allowing the possibility of owner financing. With loans being more difficult to acquire these days, offering an enticing seller financing might attract more buyers who wanted to buy but couldn’t obtain a loan. With more home-financing options for buyers, your possibility of selling increases dramatically.
4. Appealing inside and out:
Most homes only have one chance to make a great impression, and it is imperative that the seller does their best in creating an attractive external appearance. You shouldn’t judge a book by its cover but in the intense real estate world, most people tend to skip unattractive homes even if it is appealing inside. With a myriad of properties on the market, buyers become overwhelmed and impatient after going through dozens of unmemorable homes; which makes it very crucial that your home looks great from the inside and out.
5. Spotless and Well-kept:
Common sense says that buyers do not want to purchase a dirty or cluttered home. As simple as it gets, one of the most important and easiest things to do to improve the possibility of selling your home is to keep it immaculate and organized. A home is usually someone’s largest investment and a complete turn off would be an un-kept or a disorderly home, even if the property details were perfect on paper.
6. Staging:
There is no harm in getting additional help, which could mean getting your home staged. Clean homes are great, but when empty, buyers have a hard time envisioning themselves in that home and therefore make’s it unmemorable. Professionally staged homes inevitably sell faster than un-staged homes, just because it is more appealing to the eye.
7. Hire a Full-Time Realtor with a Strong internet Presence:
As 80% of today’s home buyers search the internet for property, it is vital that sellers find an agent, who is aggressive in all fields, especially the internet during a slow market. Find an agent who has a great track record and specializes in your area to ensure your odds of selling quicker. Expect a detailed marketing plan along with a strong internet display from your Realtor. To search for agents in your area with the most internet exposure, simply explore GOOGLE, YAHOO! or MSN for your area or neighborhood.
John Allen is the broker and owner of Allen Real Estate Services, Inc. He represents buyers and seller's of fine Sarasota, FL real estate. For more information, visit his website -
Top 7 Steps To Domain Name Success
1. Search for domain names that describe your product or service. Don't worry if the .com is unavailable. Go for a or a .org or .net. The important part is to get your keywords in the domain name.
2. Register variants on your company name, i.e., for TAMBA Internet register and You don't want to lose any customers simply because they assume your domain name wrongly.
3. Finish every phone conversation with "If there's anything else you want to know, please take a look at our Web site. It's at www..." People won't find your Web site unless you tell them about it.
4. Always use an email account on your own domain name, not a free email account such as Hotmail. This brands Hotmail and not your company.
5. If the domain name you want is unavailable, make a note when it's registered until. Lots of domain names are released after their initial registration period expires and you can pick it up from a registrar when it's expired.
6. Register as many domain names as possible. Use company name, slogan, description of product and/or service. The more routes into your Web site, the better.
7. Don't forget domain names expire. Always note down when yours expire and remember to re-register them. Someone could be waiting to get your domain name!
Today's Top7Business was submitted by Kay Hammond, Managing Director of TAMBA Internet.
Tel: +44(0)121 689 4651 Fax: +44(0)121 689 4653
TAMBA Internet
Top 7 Biggest Mistakes Freelancers Make
Ah, the life of a freelancer. Finally, you are your own boss. You set your own hours, do what you want to do, go where you want to go. Well, sort of…
While you’re basking in the glow of freelance freedom, don’t get too carried away. You no longer have to answer to a boss, but that doesn’t mean you can relax and “go with the flow.” In fact, now you need to be more self-disciplined than ever before. No one will penalize you for getting to your desk 10 minutes late, but you may lose valuable business – and revenue – if you give yourself too much latitude and not enough structure.
1. The biggest mistake freelancers make is turning self-employment into an excuse for self-indulgence. Before the ink is dry on their brand-new business cards, they are deciding to never work on Fridays and counting how many four-day weekends they can take before the end of the year. While other freelancers – the prosperous ones – are preparing a marketing campaign or asking clients for referrals, the undisciplined newbies are closing up shop at 1 pm so they can go to the beach or play video games.
2. I never liked the word “self-discipline” until I became a freelance copywriter and coach. Then I discovered that the only way to succeed at self-employment is by gently disciplining myself to work even when I don’t want to, and even when I don’t have any pressing projects to complete.
3. Self-discipline doesn’t mean beating myself into submission. It simply means tapping into my inner strength so I can do the things that are important to me. If it’s important for me to have financial freedom, it becomes much easier to make a few cold calls or to start on a project that isn’t due for two weeks.
4. As a freelancer, you have to work hard even when you don’t have any work to do. You may have zero assignments right now, but that doesn’t mean you can take the day off. It means you need to spend most of your time getting new business, new clients, new assignments. At least in the beginning, a freelancer’s job is almost 100 percent marketing.
5. Sometimes it seems that freelancers buy into the “if you build it, they will come” fallacy. They get their business cards and letterhead printed, purchase office furniture and supplies, and put up a website. Then they wait for business to come to them. It just doesn’t work that way. If it did, every freelancer would be rich. And lazy.
6. Here’s the truth: Unless you have the self-discipline to work at your business – even when you have no assignments – you will not get very far. Unless you have the self-discipline, guts and knowledge to market yourself (or ask someone to help you), you will never prosper as a freelance writer, graphic artist, web developer, photographer, event planner or whatever.
7. Don’t despair. It’s possible to prosper as a freelancer. Every day, take at least one action that builds or nourishes your business, even if it means stepping outside of your comfort zone. If you don’t know much about marketing, spend your work time learning. Read, talk to other freelancers, or consult experts like those at SCORE or the Small Business Administration. The information is out there.
Kathy Poole has had a highly profitable freelance writing business since 1985. Now, as a Writer’s Coach, she helps other writers start, run and expand their businesses and create lives of prosperity and joyful abundance.
Top 7 Best Practices for Corporate Blogging
Blogs have become one of the hottest communication tools on the Web. Offering the opportunity for anyone to create their own free Web site, encouraging opinions and interaction, blogs provide forums for individuals to create their own highly personal presentations to the Web audience, and for consortia of all types to experience the sort of online community feeling that was pioneered by early newsgroups and by the phenomenal success of AOL in the 1990s.
Blogs have reached into the corporate and government sectors as well. What started out as an outlet for teenage expression and grassroots journalism has turned into a lucrative communications tool for small and large businesses alike.
Corporate Blogging refers to a company producing or supporting a blog that it uses to accomplish business objectives. While there are drawbacks to blogging, followin these seven "best practices" can ensure your company reaps the optimum benefits.
1. Fine Print. Blogging can lead to legal issues. Companies should have real concerns about liability, exclusions and limitations, and indemnity. Although there are laws that protect against libel, misappropriations and other injuries suffered as a result of posts on the Web, companies can still be held “vicariously” responsible for statements made by employees that are harmful to others. Since there are so many legal issues surrounding blogs, it is imperative that the site has some sort of disclaimer and limitation of liability.
2. Know What You’re Doing. Senior management should be educated by the corporate communications and legal department about what blogs are and how they might affect business. That way, they can be contributing members of the blog, further improving employee relations. Their support and participation is often what makes a blog more effective.
3. Create blogging policies. In any medium where an employee is sharing information, there is the possibility of leaking trade secrets or financial information. Blogging also has a tendency to become personal. A company should have a list of policies regarding blogging to ensure that trade secrets are kept secret and personal lives do not become public. Policies may include keeping financial information from being posted, as well as severe consequences for anyone using the blog for negative publicity.
4. Avoid the Marketing Blog. Making your blog into a blatant marketing campaign is a bad idea. Customers are looking for real answers and honest opinions. They will pick up on insincerity instantly. Use the blog for what it's for, transparency. This is an opportunity to make a real connection with your customers. Don't ruin it by filling it with empty advertising.
5. Keep It Fresh. Blogs are usually judged by their amount of new content. Easy to add on to, they are designed to be updated constantly. To keep your readers coming back, make your content relevant and timely. Don't forget, content can include anything from product releases to job openings, recent news to thoughts from the CEO. It's practically impossible to run out of material.
6. Reinforce the company’s core values. Use your blog to reflect your company's inner soul: its mission, goals and direction. A blog is just another medium by which you interact with your customers and employees. It's another part of the brand experience. It should be consistent with the impression the company wants to make.
7. Encourage employees to use it. Give them an atmosphere where they feel comfortable asserting their concerns and opinions. Make sure, however, that you remind them of the public nature of blogs and the ramifications of their actions should they choose to make a questionable post.
Kari White is a Content Developer for Brook Group, a Web site design firm near Washington, DC. For more articles by this author, visit Usability and Branding.
Copyright Law: Top 7 Online Copyright Myths
One of the most misunderstood issues online has to do with copyright. Both with e-mail and Web site copyright issues. For some reason, as with many things online, there is this incorrect perception that anything goes. However, many are finding out the hard way that when it comes to protecting creative collateral, copyright is law. And, copyright laws can and are being enforced online.
No, I am not an attorney. Nor do I play one on T.V. But I can help you avoid potential problems based on guiding clients for over a decade. Hopefully, this effort will help others from finding out the hard way that copyright is alive and well online.
1. “I can right click, save anything online and use it how I
This is a perfect example of just because you can doesn't mean
you do! Those graphics or files were created by someone out
there. They legally attained the copyright upon that file’s
creation. Without their specific permission to use that file or
graphic, you have no right to just take it and use it as you
please. Always ask a site owner before you illegally swipe
anything off their site.
2. “As long as I note the author’s name, I can use their site’s content on my site.”
Although you are being nice and giving credit where credit is
due, you still need to ask the author’s permission to post their
work on your site. The author may not want their information
posted anywhere off their own site or they many not approve of
your site as a venue for their information that is their choice
to make not yours. Always ask a site owner if you can use their
content before you put it on your site.
3. “I can link to graphics on other sites so that they display on my site.”
O.K., maybe you didn't actually download the graphic and put it
on your server, but if you are displaying someone else’s work on
your site without their permission the bottom line is still the
same. And, you are using their server’s resources to display
something on your site. Shame on you!
4. “I can display pages from other’s Web sites within frames on my site.”
Many site owners prohibit their site pages from being framed
within another site because it gives the impression that the
other site created the information. Many times folks innocently
do this so they don’t have to send site visitors off their site
for information they want to provide. Others do so to precisely
give the impression it is content they created. A better option
is to link to the information you like and create a new window to
open when doing so to ensure your site is still available to your
site visitors.
5. “If I only quote a portion of other site’s content and link
to them I do not need their permission.”
Again, it would behoove you to have permission to do so. Using
only portions allows you to possibly give the wrong impression
about the author’s overall content and this can be misleading at
best. If you want to quote any written work in whole or part you
need to ask permission to do so.
6. “If I pay someone to create graphics for my Web site, I own the copyright to those graphics.”
Not necessarily. Unless your agreement with the graphic artist
explicitly states that upon your payment all of their rights are
then transferred to you, you most likely only have exclusive
license to use those graphics. And to purchase the full
copyright will cost you a bunch more than simple exclusivity!
Understand that the moment anything is created whether it be
written or drawn, the creator owns the copyright that’s the law.
Over the years I've had clients claim they own copyright just
because they paid me to create this or that. It simply, legally,
is not the case (and my contract(s) clearly state this - including
their option to purchase my copyright if they so choose).
Copyright can _only_ be transferred in a written legally binding
agreement signed by the creator of the work stating they are
transferring their rights to you. Saying you own it because you
paid for it doesn't make it legal fact. If you do not have a
written agreement specifically transferring the copyright to you,
you do not own the copyright to those graphics.
7. “E-mail is not copyright protected once it is sent.”
E-mail is a written work that once created is copyright protected
by the author. This means you cannot post publicly an e-mail
sent to you privately. You cannot post private e-mails to your
site, to message boards or to your blog without the author’s
specific permission to do so.
Just because an e-mail was sent to you as a private communication
does not mean you then own it and can do with it what you like.
In addition, e-mail that is posted to a group of people, on a
mailing list or Newsgroup does not make the e-mail available for
reposting, copying, or any other use - not without the express and
written consent of the writer.
What's the bottom line with online copyright?
Courtesy! Don't assume that you can use, repost or take
anything you find online simply because you can. Be a
courteous Netizen and always ask first!
You might be interested to find a DMCA (Digital Millennium
Copyright Act) page and policy statement on your ISP and hosting
provider’s Web sites to handle complaints and reports of the
above types of copyright abuse. Take some time to read that
information and make yourself aware of your rights and make sure
you do not infringe on others. The main resource for all the
legal mumbo jumbo on online copyright and the DMCA is on the
Government’s site @
Again, I am not an attorney nor am I providing legal advice. I
hope I've informed you of some of the issues that need to be
seriously considered by all who are online whether they are
creating their own or using others creative or written works.
Judith Kallos is an authoritative and good-humored Technology Muse.
Check out her new book: "Because Netiquette Matters! Your
Comprehensive Reference Guide to E-mail Etiquette and Proper
Technology Use" @:
Top 7 Steps To Writing Attention Getting(and Keeping) Copy
Whether you’re writing copy for a newsletter, a full blown website, or traditional newsprint ads, keeping certain key principles in mind will help you to appeal to the wary reader/consumer of today. In today’s world of information overload, people are becoming burned out on all the hype that’s presented to them on a daily basis, especially online. The old protocol of trying to establish trust with the reader is harder than ever to do. Today’s savvy web-surfer wants information presented in a succinct manner, with the big question being “In 2 seconds flat… what you can do for me?”
1. Choose the single most important benefit of the service or product you provide. Highlight only one upfront. Is it the price, reliability, uniqueness? Listing too many things out of the gate tends to give the distinct impression of pushiness. If the most important thing you have to offer doesn’t catch their attention, chances are the rest of what you have to offer probably will not be enough to keep them in the seats, either.
2. Use attention-getting headlines, but make it approachable. Using too many capital letters for instance tends to “scream” at the reader, and looks too much like hype. If you want to draw their attention to a point, use bold letters, or underlining. Bit don’t overuse. Avoid the following: “It’s Hot!” or “Create Serious Wealth!” How many times have you seen these tag lines? And do you believe them? Exactly.
3. Use bulleted lists to describe the features of your product or service:
* The eye naturally goes directly to lists
* Information tends to be provided in a more concise manner
* The reader doesn’t have to hunt for the important stuff (many won’t take the time to do that anyway)
4. Make the reader/consumer “feel” the need for what you sell. Listing an inventory of features for your service or product won’t necessarily make anyone want to buy it. Which of these examples resonates more with you? “This product will help increase your productivity.” (Doesn’t every product claim that?) Or “You’ll cut out hours of tedious labor every week, simply by…” Less work? I’m in!
5. Believable testimonials sell. Use real customers along with their pictures, and provide their contact information if at all possible. Using photos that are a little grainy or off center actually lends to the credibility of the testimonial. Using slick or professional photos make people think “actor” or worse... “salesperson”.
6. Write in a natural, conversational style. The best suggestion is to write your first draft, then read it aloud, preferably to another person. Does it make sense? Sound too pretentious or hi-brow? Remember you must be able to appeal to a broad spectrum of people. Many of these people may not appreciate the “smart-alecky” humor of today, so leave that out. Keep it simple.
7. Finally, if you want the reader/consumer to take some kind of action – ASK! Tell them very clearly what they need to do next. Adding a special deal within a short time frame (Get 1 free if you call in the next 24 hours!) will help create the urgency to act on your buy request.
Karla Benson-Cook is owner/operator of Light The Way Creations, which helps new Home Business Owners steer through the confusion of online marketing. Her site offers low cost, easily run, startup business opportunities. In conjunction, provides motivational training videos.
Top 7 Ways People Don't "Ace" The Interview
Not everyone who interviews will be offered a position. Understanding the reasons for rejection will help improve your interviewing skills and prepare you for the next interview.
According to Katherine Burik, founder and owner of the Interview Doctor, employers value candidates with drive and commitment. Those who show they are determined and do not make mistakes in an interview often land jobs over more qualified applicants. These candidates impressed the employer with enthusiasm and flawless interviewing style.
To be successful, you must come across as upbeat, positive, energetic and friendly. Here are the top seven reasons candidates may be rejected by a potential employer.
1. Poor attitude or appearance.
The first three to five minutes of the interview establishes the first impression. Many candidates come across as arrogant. While employers can afford to be self-centered, candidates cannot. Be friendly, open and interested. Make sure you are neatly and professionally dressed. In particular, wear nice, shined shoes and do not wear cologne.
2. Lack of career direction.
Job hunters who are not clear about their career goals often cannot spot or commit to appropriate opportunities. Know what you want. No one will decide your career direction for you. Not knowing what you want wastes everyone’s time.
3. Lack of research.
It is obvious when candidates have not learned about the job, company or industry prior to the interview. Research the company, visit their website and then talk with friends, peers and other professionals about the opportunity before the interview. The more you know, the more you separate yourself from other candidates.
4. Not readily knowing the answers to interviewers’ questions.
Each interview is not a discrete event. If you have been interviewing you know that interviewers ask similar questions. Anticipate and rehearse answers to the most common interview questions. These questions are readily available ( Think about your answers ahead of time and write down your responses. Practicing with a spouse or friend before the interview will help to frame intelligent responses, particularly to those tough questions about issues raised by your background, such as a recent termination or an employment gap.
5. Not having questions to ask.
Asking questions shows that the interviewee is interested in the company and available job. Prepare a list of intelligent questions in advance. Incorporate what you learned from your research into your questions.
6. Not telling your own story.
Employers hire people, not paper. Although a resume can list qualifications, it is the interview dialogue that will portray you as a committed, responsive team player. Conditioned not to brag, candidates are sometimes reluctant to describe their accomplishments. Explaining how you reached difficult or impressive goals helps employers understand your capabilities.
7. Not relating your skills to the employer’s needs.
A list of sterling accomplishments means little if you cannot relate them to a potential employer’s requirements. Just saying, “… and I am certain I could do it for you,” can turn a past achievement into a future benefit.
To learn more tips on how to make the most out of an interview, contact The Interview Doctor at 330.453.1199 or visit
The Interview Doctor is a team of 12 certified human resource professionals and coaches who are available to help both young and experienced professionals master the art of the interview. Using their 25+ years of experience gathered from having conducted hundreds of interviews for major companies and organizations, the Interview Doctors will work with job hunters to define their “Essential You”™, educate them on the interview process, work to hone their interviewing skills, as well as go through a practice interview to polish responses. After the interview, the Interview Doctors will also work with applicants to establish what went right or wrong, and to refine areas before the next interview.
Top 7 Reasons to Be a Business Owner
With all the uncertainty there is still hope and ways of creating security for the future. The key is finding your passion in life and investing in your self. Starting your own business is one of those ways that can create many benefits. Here are the top ten reasons to be a business owner.
1. Job Security. Business owners have job security. They never lay themselves off. As a matter of fact if business slows they have the option of doing what it takes to increase sales.
2. Maximum Pay. Business owners choose their wage. They can create more business when they need or want more money. Employees work to make the business owner rich.
3. Flexibility. Business owners can choose their work schedule. They can plan around family events such as weddings, ball games and school programs. Vacations can be incorporated into business trips.
4. Control. Business owners are free from being told what to do and when to do it. There is no supervisor to answer to, judge them or look over their shoulders.
5. Tax Benefits. Business owners have the advantage of more tax savings than employees. There are things that are deductible such as a home office which includes deducting a portion of utilities, insurance, taxes, interest and improvements. These expenses you would be paying for anyway, but if you have a business they can become tax deductible. This is just one example - there are many more.
6. Retirement. In today's world, retirement is unsure and risky. People who have worked for the same company plan on a good retirement and then one day it is gone. Creating a business that you love can last long beyond retirement age. Business owners can train others to run their business and when they choose to retire, it can be with a good passive income.
7. Product flexibility. An employee has to push whatever product the company says to. Business owners have the flexibility to change products and services according to the market. If a product or service becomes outdated or unpopular it is exciting to move on and keep up with the times.
Christopher Anderson wants to share his success as a business owner with others who desire to own their own business. He also believes that the economy is stronger with more business owners, and as a result, he is focused on helping business owners succeed.
Top 7 Tips to Lose Weight While While Eating Out
When I eat out I want it to be special. It's not likely I'm going to order a spartan meal, so I just eat out infrequently. Many people can't do this though. Some eat lunch out every day. Many order take-out most nights or eat at fast food places often. Unless you're able to pay restaurant prices for plain food, you're not likely to start ordering the "fruit plate" instead of a burger and fries. How then to solve the dilemma of too many calories when you eat out?
Here are 7 painless ways to get the calories out of those restaurant meals and still eat your favorites.
1. Just say NO to super sizing. The size you ordered is already too big. Stop super sizing and you'll save money. Better still, order one dinner and ask for an extra plate. Many restaurants will do this for a dollar or two, and it's well worth it. Then share the meal with your friend and you split the cost straight down the middle. Another option is to order from the so called "appetizer" menu. Two people could order three entrees and one dessert and split the whole thing and it's still a ton of food!
2. Skip the bread and rolls served with most meals. Most family restaurants still serve a bread basket with your meal. Unless it's a fresh baked loaf or some really special bread, just skip it. You don't need to fill up on ordinary bread when you're paying good money for a meal. Just ask for it to be taken away if you can't resist, but frankly, you're an adult, you can resist, if you want to. You can simply choose not to put a roll on your plate. Try it, just once and see if you don't walk out of that restaurant feeling strangely powerful.
If you can't skip the rolls, at least skip the butter. That's right. Eat it plain. Whole grain bread is delicious all by itself.
3. Stop ordering drinks with your meals. Soft drinks are a huge cash cow for restaurants. For pennies they sell you a squirt of syrup and carbonated water and act like they're doing you a big favor by only charging you $1.29 for a giant 64 ounce soda. Start saving those dollars. Especially if you're ordering "to go" skip the drink. If you're eating it there, ask for water, or at least switch to diet drinks. Never drink "fat pop."
4. Slow down you eat too fast! What's the rush? Take your time, savor the moment, enjoy the flavors. A big part of getting in touch with your hunger signals and learning to eat what really will satisfy is learning to recognize the subtle signs of hunger. You won't know when you're approaching satisfaction if you've gobbled everything down in five minutes. Take a bite then notice how many times do you chew before you start wanting to swallow? Once, twice? Make an effort to chew your food and your body will be much happier. A very large part of digestion begins in your mouth, not to mention you'll get much more pleasure if you let the food linger.
5. Trim visible fat and skin. I know, you really love the skin--of course you do, it tastes good, it should, it's pure fat. Do you want to get leaner, or do you want to eat fat? You choose. I never eat chicken skin and never eat the visible fat hanging off a steak, good taste or no. You have to decide what you want more, the second's worth of pleasure of a yummy taste, or a lifetime of carrying around an extra 40 lbs? I know this is counter to the low carb crowd's belief that fat is good, carbs are evil, but I've maintained an 80 pound weight loss for 18 years without dieting and I don't eat visible fat or skin. Enough said.
6. Ask for a doggie bag at the beginning of the meal. When the food is served, immediately portion off some to take home for tomorrow. Most restaurants in the US serve way too much. There is no law you have to eat it all. Do this frequently and soon you'll find you're getting an extra lunch out of that meal.
7. Get a copy of Restaurant Confidential by Michael F. Jacobson and Jayne Hurley, and start checking out how many calories you're really eating. If you eat out frequently and you carry extra weight, then that's probably the problem right there. This little book can help you realize why it seems you don't eat that much yet you can't lose any weight. Hardees recently introduced a new burger that clocks in at just under 1200 calories all by itself! Now that's frightening.
~~ Kathryn Martyn, Master NLP Practitioner, EFT counselor, author of Changing Beliefs, Your First Step to Permanent Weight Loss, and owner of lost 80 pounds over 17 years ago. She maintains her weight using the techniques she teaches in her 8-week Ending Emotional Eating online weight loss program, private coaching practice and her popular workshops.
Top 7 Reasons To Buy Used Network Hardware
Refurbished network hardware is the latest thing for hip IT managers who consider themselves "in the know". The used equipmentis often renovated by various resellers and integrators, reset and error free. They are then sold in the secondary market at up to 90% off of list price. Products are available even in the most sophisticated and obscure models, and often come with a warranty that supersedes even that of the original manufacturer. Here are 7 specific reasons why you should consider Used Cisco in your next project.
1. Networking products usually pass a grueling inspection, upgrade and update checklist. This includes testing under a variety of conditions to ensure that electronics, connectivity ports, memory configuration, firmware/software and electrical components perform to standards.
2. Most resellers offer a minimum warranty of three months. It varies with the policy of the supplier. Extended warranty up to two years can be availed from some retailers.
3. There is a growing concern in the industry surrounding fake equipment. Anyone who has taken a stroll down Manhattan's Canal Street lately has no doubt become aware of the thriving market for fake Rolexes, Luis Vuitton hand bags and the like. This phenomenon has recently infiltrated the network hardware market. These fakes, often referred to in the industry as, "Chisco" (fake Cisco products originating in China), are popping up more and more. Cisco Systems is the largest provider of Internet telephony equipment in the world, and account for some 80% of all used equipment sales worldwide. This enormous popularity has made them the obvious target for such fake product reproduction.
It helps to have a few tools to protect yourself from fraud. Rule 1 when shopping for used equipment is to be wary of suppliers from China. Historically, most of these fakes have originated somewhere in China. So be careful when dealing with a Chinese supplier. Try to deal with a reputable supplier and develop a relationship. It helps to look for quality business certifications such as "ISO 9001" and others when choosing a reseller.
When using online auctions, feedback is king! Make sure you deal exclusively with resellers who have significant positive feedback from multiple people. Take a quick peek at the actual responses and confirm that they in-fact come from unique sources and not all the same person. People have been known online, to buy large inexpensive quantities from one another to essentially stuff the ballot box and artificially flood the others feedback score.
4. Full service providers offer a full suite of services for the IT customer. In this model, relationships are formed between the salesperson and customer. The sales cycle can last anywhere from 5 minutes to 1 year. The customer will usually disclose all relevant information regarding their project or current network configuration. Educated sales people here will assist the customer to make decision about what product or products might best solve their particular business needs. These providers will often offer integration services as well, helping the customer to install the new equipment into their existing set-up. A prime example of this type of sale would be Digital warehouse. DW is a certified NY based full service supplier of refurbished network hardware. Their mission is "reducing the cost of network infrastructure", and that's exactly what they do. With a rigorous reconditioning and testing process coupled with a warranty program that rivals anyone else's in the industry, they allow you to feel safe and secure that you are getting quality second hand hardware at a great price.
5. Online outlet sales have recently emerged as a new trend in the used hardware industry. Direct selling online has become the latest luxury for IT professionals who know what they want or need. Usedcisco's. website is the ideal address for such transactions. They borrowed Michael Dell's direct approach to selling online and moved away from the traditional consultative sales approach. Basically, assuming that many of these products have become commoditized and listed products and pricing directly on their site. For the first time, an end user could go online quickly and source product at a reasonable price, place the order and be finished in record time. Never once having to deal with a salesperson along the way.
6. Refurbished hardware are renovated, reset and fully tested. The term "used hardware" is often used synonymously with refurbished hardware in this industry. However; on occasion, particularly in online auctions, the term "used", may also mean that it has not been tested or reconditioned in any way. Under such circumstances it is preferential to inquire about the specifics before purchasing under the title "used".
7. You can expect to save anywhere form 30 - 90% off list price when buying used. Traditionally people would shy away from used equipment because of the inherent risk that it presented. However, with current competition in the secondary market resellers have raised their quality standards. They now provide guarantee's that outlast the original warranty given when the unit was new.
Article by Joshua Levitt
Top 7 Marketing Strategies to Fill Your Workshops and Teleseminars
When Cathy (one of Get Clients readers) emailed me asking how to fill her monthly workshops, I quickly sent her a list of top mistakes that cause low attendance in training and promotional programs and several tips to make her events more successful.
Afterwards, I thought you too might find this kind of information helpful in your business. So here we go.
The 4 Biggest Mistakes to Avoid
If you currently promoting some sort of workshops or training programs and registrations are coming in slower than you would have like it, chances are you’re making one – or all – of these mistakes.
Mistake #1 - Giving your promotions too little time to work
Mistake #2 - Putting your prospects to sleep with boring copy
Mistake #3 - Turning off even the most interested buyers with a complicated registration process and...
Mistake #4 - Giving up on your follow-up efforts too soon
How did you do? Any of these sound familiar? If so, let me share with you a few quick and easy tips that will give your event marketing strategy a fighting chance.
7 Tips to Make Your Promos Generate “WOW” Results!
1. Increase the lead time to promote your events
While each situation is a little different based on your specific market and program you offer, there are certain “hard and fast” rules for how much lead time you should give your potential clients.
For a short 60 or 90-minute teleseminar all you need is a few days to couple of weeks notice.
For a half-day or full-day program, your promotions will be most effective when deployed anywhere from a month to 90-days before the event.
If you are promoting longer and pricier events you might want to start promoting as long as nine to 12 months in advance.
2. Develop exciting promotional materials
The problem most people make is trying to convince people to give up their time and money and register for a program by just listing event’s name, date, location and price.
We all can be a bit optimistic about our offerings, but this is like hoping for a miracle.
Whether you are promoting online or offline, using fliers, brochures, or emails, make sure your materials are exciting to read and communicate the full story.
3. Clearly convey reasons why your potential client should register
Don’t assume people know what’s in it for them. Tell them.
What is the BIG, HOT, UNDENIABLE BENEFIT people get from participating in your program? Are you clear what it is?
Is it something your audience really wants? It better be! And make sure to COMMUNICATE this over and over again.
4. Use multiple media to get your message out
Don’t limit your promotions to just fliers and emails. Use direct mail (like postcards and complete sales letters) and add phone-blasts and faxes. Also, using simple, two- step direct response ads can be highly effective as well.
Finally, don’t forget other promotional opportunities like mentioning your events during speaking engagements and including bounce-back offers in materials already being sent to your current clients. And of course do not overlook social media like Facebook, Twitter or Linkedin!
5. Find promotional partners
This is one of the most effective yet most overlooked ways to get eager participants to sign up for your events – when you get others to endorse and promote your event.
Depending on your audience you may find it beneficial to team up with your local chamber of commerce, a professional association, or other businesses that already have an established relationships with your potential clients.
6. Make it easy to register
I know... this one seems so obvious! Yet, it amazes me how often I personally give up on ordering something I really want because the process is “too hard” or confusing. Give potential buyers clear instructions and offer multiple choices of payments. For example, I was shocked to discover a 20% jump in my sales when I included paypal as one of the payment options a few years back.
Also, for more expensive events, offer a payment plan.
7. Improve your follow-up
Sometimes this alone can make a dramatic difference.
Common wisdom often disguised as a scientific research says it takes five contacts to make the sale. Still, most people expect to sell out their programs with one boring email or flier.
With a bit of creativity you can come up with five, ten, or even more topics for stand-alone messages that could be distributed to interested prospects to give them more chances to evaluate your offer and take action.
The author, Adam Urbanski, teaches service professionals and business owners how to develop better marketing strategies to increase sales and profits. His website offers more how-to articles and free tips to create a winning marketing action plan at Once a year, in November, Adam hosts Attract Clients Like Crazy Boot Camp designed specifically to teach entrepreneurs effective marketing strategies.
Top 7 Ways to Promote Your Ezine
Your newsletter is a great way to give your business more visibility. To build this data base, you will want to incorporate these seven tips.
1. Network offline.
Visit professional like-minded groups. These groups usually meet once a month, have speakers, and networking time for you to mix with other professionals. You will get valuable information at these meetings for low cost-yearly memberships run around $25-$50 giving you free meeting attendance.
At each meeting you are given a 30-second time to introduce yourself. Prepare your concept statement and be ready to shine. State your name, and who you work with to get what results and benefits.
Bring business cards and flyers for the networking table and talk to at least five people.
2. Speak to groups about your expertise.
You may be a guest speaker for a large association or group, or you may form your own seminars and workshops, where people come to hear your expertise. During each meeting, pass the clipboard that asks your audience for their email addresses. In return, you will send them pertinent information. Be sure to put your web URL in plain sight. You want these people to visit your web site, first to see your expertise, then perhaps to buy products.
3. Promote your eNewsletter on your web site.
Visit many sites and take from them what will make your pages zing. When you list your ezine's feature on your site, the search engines will notice and rank you higher. Offer toward the top of the home page a way to subscribe. One way to get your visitors full attention to sign up is to put the benefits of your ezine in a pop up box.
Remember the old adage; "Make it easy for your customer to buy."
4. Promote your ezine through your signature file.
Create a promotional signature in three to six lines, and add it to the end of each email you send out. Include your service, book, free ezine offer with your web site address and email.
5. Promote your ezine when you use article marketing.
You write five or so articles, then submit them to high-traffic web sites and article directories. People flock there for the free information. If they like your information, they will visit your site to see more. There they will see your home page ezine sign up box. Offer a bonus ebook or report when your visitors sign up for your ezine.
6. Offer your subscribers a free gift subscription to send to their friends.
You can use another autoresponder to send the gift, plus whom it's from, and a little blurb about what they will be receiving. Always include a way for subscribers to unsubscribe.
7. Send out press releases via email about your ezine.
Press releases by email are different from print ones. They must be short! They must be newsworthy! Google "ezine" and find out which web sites you can submit your ezine ad to. Try
When you put a little effort in building your ezine subscriber base list, you'll reap the rewards of people getting to know you through your ezine over time-then trusting you enough to use your service or products.
Judy Cullins, 20-year Book and Internet Marketing Coach and author of 11 books including "The Fast and Cheap Way to Explode Targeted Web Traffic" offers free help through her 2 monthly ezines, "The Book Coach Says. . .," and "Business Tip of the Month." at
Top 7 Laws of Football Quarterbacking
In all of my research, over a period of several years, the finest information I have ever read on quarterback leadership came from my friend Frank Carideo. The purpose of this information was to outline the process by which a quarterback was trained at Notre Dame, under Coach Knute Rockne. This course of quarterbacking was as exacting in many respects as any collegiate course.
Coach Rockne had seven cardinal principles of quarterbacking that were preached over and over again
1. A Quarterback must maintain a cocky air at all times.
a. You want you’re Quarterback to show other teams that he knows what he is going to do next—there isn't a bit of doubt in his mind about what he is going to do on the next play.
b. You want his facial expressions to indicate to your team and your opponents' team that he not only knows what he is going to do next, but that he is going to do it successfully, for all that they can do to stop him.
c. Be sure he understands that this is just an air. It is a role he is playing. It isn't himself that you want to be cocky; it is the Quarterback. You don't want your boys to be too cocky. There is a limit, and he must know it.
He might offend the members of his own team. His job is to irritate the members of the other team, not his own. You want that cocky air at all times—and on the practice field is one of the times.
2. You want a Quarterback with a clear, staccato voice. You want a voice that is forceful and decisive. You want it to be heard and to be understood when it is heard. You want it to be recognized by your own team as the command of one who is about to lead his army somewhere to a definite objective. You want it to be recognized by the enemy as the voice of one who is going to reach that objective with his army, no matter what might be done by anyone to stop it.
3. This third law is a variation of the first. You want your Quarterback to know what he is going to do next and to do it. You don't want him to show at any time, at any time whatever, that he is in doubt about his next move. And, you don't want him to show that he is worried or communicate any such feeling to his team. Stress this point—though we are beaten—and at times badly—we will never become demoralized
4. The fourth law of generalship is a vital one: Observation, at all times, of the defensive alignment of the opposition. Have he observe at all times and ask himself the question: Who made the tackle? Also those that were not in on the tackles. Try to observe any glaring weakness in the defensive line or in the secondary. Especially on passes. Illustration on a charging half back and shooting line backer.
5. Choice of plays. Remember what plays have been going successfully and, of equal importance, those that have failed to gain ground. If plays gain ground they should be used until the defense shifts about to meet them. Then it will be time to resort to other plays. There is no law against returning to the successful plays later on if conditions warrant.
6. The sixth law comes into the field of generalship and strategy. At all times the Quarterback must keep his plays in sequence order. Some plays are to be used as checks, others as feelers. At times it may be necessary to sacrifice a play to make those that are to follow successful. This, of course, necessitates a quarterback's looking a long way ahead.
7. The seventh and last law is one of precaution. Whenever in doubt, your Quarterback should do one of two things. The most natural is to kick. The other is to call time out and ask the linemen for information regarding the alignment and characteristics of the defensive linemen. More often you will punt when in doubt. Punting is almost always the safe procedure
Kanwar Narendra Singh Jodha
Top 7 Strategies To Overcome Negative Attitudes In The Workplace
My years of consulting with major companies have led me down interesting pathways which have cumulated into many fascinating experiences. Part of that fascination comes from watching individuals make career or business choices. Those choices have always fallen into two simple categories: 1) positive or 2) negative. In most cases, people usually choose negative choices over positive ones. Why? Usually a combination of things that starts with a person's upbringing, their own personal foundation or work environment.
In personal and business coaching, we sometimes need to reach past those combinations and put in place specific methods of operation our clients to follow in order to turn their choices from negative to positive. I start off with educating my clients that their challenged attitudes usually start with Distorted Thinking Styles.
Distorted Thinking Styles (DTS's)
DTS's are customary ways of thinking that eventually cause a misperception of a situation or event. Constant frustration can prompt Distorted Thinking Styles and challenged attitudes. When frustrated, thinking can become increasingly inflexible and may ultimately become distorted. Distorted Thinking Styles could account for 90% of the times you experience frustration.
Five Types of Distorted Thinking Styles:
* Magnifying: Magnifying turns the consequences of an event into a catastrophe such as, "I'm going to be fired."
* Destructive Labeling: This is an extreme form of over-generalization, making someone or a particular situation totally negative.
* Imperative Thinking: Think of this as a list of inflexible rules about how you and others should act usually based on negative past experiences.
* Mind Reading: This attributes to motives that explain other people's actions toward a person or event.
* Divide and Conquer This happens because of over-magnification and wanting others to support a particular position. People who have DTS's have a tendency to garner support, usually creating a division within ranks or groups.
Challenged Attitude Examples: The following are actual examples I have heard from people who suffer from challenged attitudes and DTS's:
* It's not my job.
* But I have a college degree.
* The other department should have taken care of it.
* I have new responsibilities now so I can't do it.
* It won't work.
* It can't be done.
* They won't like it.
* You didn't consult with us first.
* My pay scale is less than the national average.
* Those other employees make a huge amount of money.
* Because I don't make more, I'm going to punish my team by only giving 50%.
* I just want to draw a check until something better comes along.
* My responsibilities keep changing.
* My perception is different than the companies.
* They make more money than I do.
* I am considered a bottom feeder.
* I did the research I should make more money.
* There is too much change.
* Nothing stays the same.
* I have no incentives.
* I have no growth possibilities.
* I want higher pay.
* I can't advance because of a political environment.
* I don't get any respect.
* I hope to get fired so I can collect unemployment.
As you can see, huge challenges are faced not only by the people that spoke these words, yet in the same spirit, corporations are challenged to find ways to help their employees or staffs have an environment that is positive and empowering.
So, ask yourself these questions? Are you one of those people with a challenged attitude? Do you lead a team or oversee a group of people that may feel and react like this? If so then I challenge you to implement the 7 Steps To Overcoming Challenged Attitudes.
1. WORK on your personal foundation, namely in the Five Pillars of Attraction. Remember what F.R.E.S.H. stands for:
F: Finances
R: Relationships
E: Environment
S: Spirituality
H: Health
Right now, write down one task for each of the Five Pillars (F.R.E.S.H.) that you can make an immediate improvement in.
2. STOP listening to that little negative voice. Counter-punch the negative self talk with a substantial dose of positiveness.
3. LOOK for alternative explanations. In many cases there could be hundreds of them, unfortunately when you are frustrated you are unable to see the forest for the trees - sometimes referred to as Frustration Tunnel Vision.
4. MOODS are contagious, both positive and negative. Do something that will place you in a positive mood, such as a daily delicious habit or speaking with anyone that is known for having a positive attitude or mood.
5. CONTROL your frustration. Speak slowly, breath deeply into your heart, choose to remain calm or excuse yourself from the discussion take a time out. Stop drinking caffeine.
6. STOP looking out the rear view mirror when that big broad windshield is staring you in the face. Your vision of each event or situation is totally up to you. You can either choose to be negative or positive your choice. Or, you can either focus on your negative past or look forward into a positive future. Remember this quote: "Past failures don't equal current successes."
7. WATCH with great care who you hang out with. My most favorite quote by Jim Rohn says "YOU become the average sum of the five people with whom you associate with." In regards to this powerful philosophy, ask yourselves these questions:
* Who am I around?
* What are they doing to me?
* What have they got me saying?
* Where do they have me going?
* What do they have me thinking?
* What do they have me becoming?
* Then ask yourself the big question: Is that okay?
Whether you are a corporation or an individual, dealing with attitude challenges by implementing this 7 Step Program indicates you are making the first leap from making negative choices to making choices that will certainly have a positive impact on yourself, co-workers and family members.
Chuck Bauer is an accomplished speaker and writer. He has performed hundreds of seminars and workshops throughout North America and is affiliated with the National Speakers Association, Coach University, and Attraction University. He has served as a Vice President of Sales/Training for two major Dallas Texas corporations. His published work has been featured in numerous business and sales related magazines and websites. He is a committed body builder, private pilot and trophy bass fisherman. Find out more about Chuck and the Mastery Performance Group by visiting
Top 7 Ways to Write a Great Free Report
I love the internet. Within a short 10 year span the internet has changed the whole way we can communicate with each other. For someone like me who thrives on communication, I love it.
If you are a small business owner, having a good website to market your business is essential. If you are like me, when you want to hire someone you go to their website and have a look. In one short moment you either read on or click off. It's that fast!
Your website has to be sharp, speak to your potential customer, and have an easy way for someone to give you their e-mail address. The common way is to offer a free downloadable special report.
I have heard my clients say, " why should I give away all my secrets or tools for free?" My answer: Marketing is all about giving.
Opening your heart and giving, is what helps people to get to know you, trust you, and like you. Your free report needs to speak spot on to your customer's wants and needs.
I worked with a naturopath recently who specializes in children. Her special report was titled, "10 Easy Ways to Get Your Child to Eat Healthy Foods." When she added that report to her website her sign-ups quadrupled. And as a result of that, her new patients also increased because people trusted her.
Here are a few tips for writing a good, free special report.
1. Know who your ideal customer is. You cannot write something for everyone. Your report needs to be focused toward your niche market.
2. Know what problem. issue, or concern your ideal customer is facing.
3. What do they need help with? Offer help that is specific to their issue.
4. Give examples so people can relate. People feel good knowing they are not alone.
5. Give practical ideas not just theory. People won't want it unless they are going to get specific advice.
6. Find a way to get people involved. Offer an exercise or ask questions they can ponder. An interactive report is much stronger than an article. It will be more fun for the reader and will help build the relationship as well.
7. Offer something of real value. No one will trade their e-mail address for a report unless it is really good.
If you feel you are not a good writer this is not an obstacle. Jot down your ideas the best you can and then hire a copywriter or editor. I guarantee it will pay for itself. And oh yeah-and have a look at their website before you hire them. I invite you to have a look at my free report, "Five Keys for Awakening and Attracting Right Clients," available on my website for free.
Kaya Singer owns Awakening Business Solutions. She helps small businesses see that prosperity and purpose co-exist in the world of spirit. Kaya helps business owners learn solid tools and strategies for prosperous business. She can be reached at 503-493-1199
Top 7 Ways to Have a Healthy Relationship with Your Adult Children Living at Home
Whether they’ve never left the nest or, like so many in the “boomerang generation, they’re returning home after some time away, you’re likely struggling to find ways to make the relationship with your adult children living at home work. The good news is, adult children can live successfully at home – but only if you avoid some critical mistakes right from the start (or correct them right away!).
1. Avoid encouraging rebellion by taking up parenting right where you left off.
It may be hard to remember sometimes, but adult children living at home are still adults. A sure way to set yourself up for conflict is to over-parent your adult children.
Adult children living at home who are over-parented and over-supervised will rebel as quickly as teenagers, so you need to develop some strategies to establish a new adult-to-adult relationship – quick!
2. Stop stealing your child’s independence by giving them a “free ride”.
It can be very tempting to try to help your adult children living at home by covering all of their living expenses – especially if they’ve returned home after a personal crisis like losing a job or the end of a relationship.
But why should they ever learn to take care of themselves when you’re all too eager to do it for them? Even a short-term stay should require your adult children living at home to contribute to household expenses and chores. The best way to set these expectations clearly is by working out a household budget, so everyone is on the same page in terms of the extra costs your adult child is causing at home.
3. Remember that even though you’re all grown-ups, there’s nothing wrong with rules.
If you think you don’t need ground rules for your adult children living at home, consider how you’d feel about them smoking, drinking, or using drugs in your home – or even bringing a lover to stay overnight.
As strange as it may sound, experts agree that the best way to discuss – and stick to – these household rules is to draft up a customized contract between you and your adult children living at home.
4. Never compromise your own financial situation to support your adult children living at home.
With adult children living at home, you’ll be using more heat, hot water, and electricity. You’ll need to buy more groceries. In fact, all your household expenses will increase.
But no matter what you do, do not put your own financial future on the line to support your adult children living at home. You do neither yourself nor your children any good by creating extra debt or obligations for yourself.
If you don’t know where the money to make the situation work will come from, you need to think long and hard about whether you can help your adult children by having them live at your home.
5. Help your adult children know when the time is right to leave.
The best way to ensure your adult children living at home leave within a reasonable timeframe is to establish a clear timeline for their stay and milestones to help them reach independence.
Most adult children living at home don’t plan to stay forever. But if they don’t have any clear idea of when they need to leave – or how they’ll work towards being able to do so, they may end up stuck.
By establishing a timeline with clear milestones, you can empower your adult children living at home to leave the nest. If you don’t create a timeline, they may end up calling your house “home” for much longer than you – or even they – had planned.
6. Remember that anger and resentment are relationship killers.
When two generations of adults live in one household, it’s extremely easy for anger and resentment to build up on both sides. And once those bitter emotions have crept into a relationship, they are extremely difficult to overcome.
That’s why it’s critical that you and your adult children living at home work together to develop communication techniques and strategies that will deal with negative feelings before they take over – and potentially damage your relationship with your adult children forever.
7. Never (ever) undermine your adult child’s ability to be a good parent.
When your adult child moves back home with an entire family in tow, your life changes drastically – and your lifestyle can take a sharp downward turn.
In addition to the other challenges associated with adult children living at home, you may have to deal with the expectation that you’ll be a full-time babysitter – for free. That may be okay if you’re retired and your adult children living at home are working full time. But what if they take advantage of the free sitting services to start staying out late, partying, or generally shirking their parental responsibilities?
The most important thing for your grandchildren is that your own children continue to be good parents. You can help your adult children living at home to be good parents without damaging their credibility or undermining their authority, but you have to walk a fine line to make it work.
When adult children come home with families of their own, the ground rules and expectations must be crystal clear. And your adult children living at home must understand that no matter what they may be going through in their own lives, it is their responsibility to parent their children – not yours.
Christina Newberry is co-author of The Hands-On Guide to Surviving Adult Children Living at Home. For detailed information on how to avoid the common mistakes mentioned in this article, along with a customizable “Under one Roof” contract and household budget calculator, visit her website at
Top 7 Expert Tips to Avoid Screwing Up in Poster Printing
Afraid you will mess up your poster printing project? Do not worry yourself. With the seven expert tips below, you will never go wrong! So read on below, take down notes and learn how experts avoid screwing up in printing full color posters.
1. Pick your printer precisely
One of the most crucial choices you will need to face is the choice of printer. You will need to pick your printer precisely so that all the things you want appear in them. So make sure that you really “shop” wisely for your poster printer. They must have a good reputation, an affordable price and of course the right equipment that produces posters in great quality. I recommend searching the Internet for online poster printing companies and looking for the ones that use offset printers for creating color posters. These should give you the best quality.
2. Seek guarantees
A product or service guarantee is a legally binding statement. Once said, the firm is bound to abide by it or else face litigation when the customers choose so. This means, that guarantees are a great helper in not screwing up. All the printers that you choose should have a service guarantee of some kind. This at least gives you some assurance that things will go well.
3. Choose your materials wisely
Of course, your choice of materials can also affect the success and failure of your printing output. If you specified the wrong materials for your posters, any great poster printer will still have difficulty in producing the best posters for you. Therefore, it is important that you read up on the best materials. I recommend using the thickest possible paper material you want with a glossy coating. This gives the best and most professional look for color posters, while at the same time making them tough and durable.
4. Choose your options carefully
It is also crucial that you choose other printing options carefully. If you plan on hanging or spanning your posters in between columns and other structures, you might want to have some holes cut at the four corners to give space for string or rope. Other options you might want to consider are built in adhesives, special metallic inks, interactive elements and even embossing. You have to be careful and choose the right ones for your overall poster design. This can make your poster printing quite awesome or make it fail altogether. So be sure.
5. Be smart in your sending
When sending or uploading your design to a printing company you should be smart on how it is sent. Do not just send one file of your design. Send several in multiple file formats. This should eliminate any kind of file format problems as well as other digital glitches and that can alter or damage your design upon transmission.
6. Be smart in your designs
Also, it pays to be smart in your designs as well. Always send your main design with other different versions or options. By doing this, you can specify a certain alternative version to the printer, just in case any kind of incompatibilities in design and printing happen. Usually, I would send my designs in different backgrounds and text colors for options.
7. Print samples first
Lastly, whenever possible, it is best to print samples first. Printing samples at your own office or having them sent for from the printing company is a good way to at least judge how your design will actual look in real life. By having this initial impression, you might be able to spot any kind of errors that are not immediately visible in the digital copy of your design. You should be able to correct any possible errors here before the full poster printing begins.
Kaye Z. Marks is an avid writer and follower of the developments in the poster printing industry that benefit small to medium scale businesses
Top 7 Steps for Successful Conference Call
Conference calls save time and money. Here are some simple tips you can use to make conference calls work.
1. TIME PREPARATION - Clear a time slot in your schedule. Allow 10 minutes before start time to 20 minutes after conference completion.
2. BODY PREPARATION - Visit the washroom, fresh up, consider this as a call to a boardroom meeting.
3. OFFICE PREPARATION - Must have; a comfortable chair, area to make notes on, pad, pen or pencils and calculator.
4. TOOLS - Good speaker phone with mute button. If you are the moderator or speaker invest in a good head set.
5. LIQUID PREPARATION - Fresh ice water or your favorite non-alcoholic drink.
6. START TIME - Call into the conference a minute or two early to ensure a static free connection. There is usually a bit of networking or social talk until the moderator of speaker joins the call.
7. CONFERENCE CALL ETIQUETTE - Have your phone on mute unless you are participating in the conversation. Do not place your phone on hold, as the other participants will not want to listen to your company's Muscat sound.
Today's Top7Business Was Submitted By Keith Tomlinson, founder of Excalibur Communication, supplier of computer telephony marketing service and very affordable conference call services.
Top 7 Things to Do when Designing Brochures
Let me make your design process for brochures a little easier by giving you my standard brochure printing and design to do list. Below are the seven things you need to do to prepare and start designing brochures. Just follow steps 1-7 carefully and you will be well prepared and be able to do color brochure designs with the right materials and concepts. Let me get started by teaching you the first and most crucial step.
1. Determine your objectives –
The first thing to do when making designs is to determine your objectives. Different outputs depend on different objectives. Some are for marketing and advertising, while others are for information awareness and dissemination. You must determine precisely what your objectives are first so that you can layout your design and printing correctly. So take some time to discern precisely your objective.
2. Determine your target audience –
The second thing to do in designing is to determine your target audience. This decision will help you choose the theme, language and overall style. It is important to know who your target audience is. Are they young or old? Are they dominantly male or female? Are they rich, middle class or poor? Are they educated to what degree? You will have to do some decent amount of market research to do this, but it is important for you to match your designs with that specific target audience.
3. Determine your theme –
Thirdly, you will need to determine your theme itself. With your objectives and target audience set, this should be easier to think about. You must try to brainstorm a proper theme to adopt considering your objectives and the target audience. Be sure to do your market research right so that your audience should be able to like your theme without it looking to constructed or forced.
4. Write your content –
Next, with all the main decisions set, it is now time to write your content. Remember to write your content in a concise manner. Make it as short as possible, with as much detail as you can squeeze into a proper text layout. Remember to try to be straightforward and direct so that your outputs are easier to read and understand. Of course, remember to write in a style that is most appealing to your target audience.
5. Get images and photographs –
After the content, your next step is to get images and photographs. Of course, a design is better enhanced with color photographs. It is good to prepare a lot of these before you settle down in designing. This allows you to have a lot of immediate options whilst you design your color brochures. You will be designing your brochures faster, easier and better when you do this.
6. Get a brochure template –
Lastly, before you go on the deep end, you should always try to get a template. They will be a great boon to your efforts, simply because it makes many things easier on you. Not only do templates help you create a draft faster, it also sets your designs up for easier brochure printing. Therefore, it is necessary that you do get a template.
7. Start designing! –
Finally, if you have done all the initial six things to do perfectly you should be ready to start designing. Just load up that template in your design software, insert your content and images, and then start laying things out according to your theme, and brochure objectives. Good Luck!
Kaye Z. Marks is an avid writer and follower of the developments in brochures or brochure printing industry that help businesses in their marketing and advertising campaigns.